Online Mall Integration

We complete the integration with the mainstream online mall to help merchants carry out online sales easily.

Weimob 微盟


In 2019, ePayments became the first batch of cross-border payment solution suppliers of Weimeng. Merchants of ePayments only need to set up simple configurations and then start online sales with Weimeng.


AllValue 有赞


In 2021, ePayments becomes the cross-border payment solution provider of Allvalue of Youzan. Merchants of ePayments only need to apply simple configuration to carry out online sales with Allvalue.

2014年11月27日,口袋通正式更名为有赞。 2018年4月18日,有赞完成在港上市。2019年4月,腾讯领投有赞10亿港元融资。2019年8月8日,有赞获百度3000万美元战略投资。 2020年4月8日,有赞融资1亿美金,投入系统研发和商家服务。(来自百度百科

LinkieBuy 行云集团

2024年ePayments成为LinkieBuy 行云集团跨境支付解决方案供应商,ePayments的商户只需将简单配置即可使用 LinkieBuy 展开线上销售。

In 2024, ePayments becomes the cross-border payment solution provider of Linkiebuy. Merchants of ePayments only need to apply simple configuration to carry out online sales with Linkiebuy.


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